June 7, 2012

True Blood Premiere Party

It's been a while since I last posted.  I'm still recovering from a 50's theme Drive-In birthday party I threw last weekend.  I'll be blogging about that soon with lots of pics and DIY projects that went into it.  I just love a good theme party.  With the season premiere of True Blood coming up this Sunday, I wanted to share with you the True Blood Season Premiere party I threw a couple of years ago.

I asked people to dress up as their favorite character.  I ordered this Merlotte's t-shirt from http://www.hbo.com/
and wore some shorts, put my hair in a ponytail, and drew on fang marks with some eyeliner and red lipstick so that I could be Sookie Stackhouse.  My guests dressed as Sam Merlotte, a Bon Temps townie (they made an iron-on by googling a Bon Temps football image and printing it onto transfer paper), Bud Dearborn, and Eric.  We had some non-dresser uppers, and we gave them some Mardi Gras beads so they could at least have something festive and Louisiana-ish.  If I had had the time, I would have ordered some plastic fangs for the tablescape and for the "normies" to wear.

I made Vampire Bite cupcakes, which were super easy to make:

1.  Prepare boxed white cake mix according to the directions. 

2.  Once cooled, take an apple corer (or just take a steak knife) and remove the middle of the cupcake, making sure to leave a little cake at the bottom so the filling wouldn't leak out.  Save the cored cake.

3.  Blend up a can of cherry pie filling, and fill each cupcake hole, leaving a little room at the top. 

4.  Trim off the top of the cored cake, and place the cap back over the cherry pie filling.

5.  Frost with white frosting and take a kabob skewer or straw and poke 2 holes in the middle of the cake.  When you draw out the skewer, be sure to drag some of the cherry pie filling out with it to look like blood drops.

I ordered some Tru Blood blood orange soda from http://www.hbo.com./  It mixes pretty well with rum and vodka if you want to make it an alcoholic drink.

I set the mood with all red colored foods and candles.  There were cherry tomatoes, red pepper strips, twizzlers.  I even floated some candles in water with red food coloring.

And of course had some Vampire red wine.

But made blood jello shots!  I used black cherry flavored jello, but this website has tons of great jello shot recipe combinations, including vegetarian and vegan "jello".

Then we all went and watched True Blood in the dark!