I have a list of things I love at Trader Joes, but each time I go in there I discover something new. Today, I found Halloween Joe Joe's, Milk Chocolate Covered Potato Chips, and Gone Bananas chocolate covered banana slices.
The Halloween Joe Joe's are simply Trader Joes take on Oreos, only the chocolate cookie has a jack-o-lantern design with the eye/nose/mouth cut-out to reveal the orange colored vanilla cream inside. Their Peppermint Candycane Joe Joe's have been a longstanding favorite, and hits the shelves around Christmastime.
The Milk Chocolate Covered Potato Chips are a little sweet, a little salty, and highly addictive. You will find these babies where all the cookies are.
Gone Bananas was nothing new to me, as I have been eating the frozen, chocolate-dipped banana on a popsicle stick for a couple years now. The only downside to eating those was that sometimes the chocolate shell would flake off the banana and always fall somewhere unreachable and melt, and then I'd end up sitting on it later and getting a chocolate stain. NOT ANYMORE!!! Now the bananas are sliced and coated so you can easily pop the whole thing in your mouth. These are in a box in the frozen dessert section.