Who is Trixie Pinkerton?

Who is Trixie Pinkerton?  The world may never know.  Seriously, I'm sure some of you will figure it out, but the internet is full of weirdo stalker-types so I've decided to keep my identity a secret (so don't call me out, thanks!).  Trixie Pinkerton is the name I used when pranking back in the day.  And since all the other blogspot names I could think up have been taken, I figure this is as good as it gets.

This won't be a cerebral blog, thank god. You'll find no musings on life, politics, religion or philosophies here.  I created this with the intent to share my favorite things with a friend who lives miles away.  With that in mind, you'll get to know me by the things I write about.  I hope you'll try some new things you find out about here!  When you do, leave a comment and let me know what you think.
